Hypnotic Wet Dream Induction

Early AccessNo BinauralsSoundgasm

So you want to experience a wet dream, but you are in need of some help? Well luckily for you, I have crafted the perfect induction! I would be happy to help as long as there is something in it for me too~

This file is designed to be listened to at bedtime and includes 15 minutes of white noise to help you drift off to sleep. If falling asleep during a file isn't for you and you would like to skip the silence, fast forward to 28:00.

For the best chance at this file working, I would recommend listening to this file in the middle of the night while you are in REM sleep. Most people enter the REM cycle 5 to 6 hours after they fall asleep, so set an alarm and test it out! (this is a lucid dreaming technique called "wake back to bed" if you would like to learn more)