Search Examples
The search will be matched against title and description (case insensitive)
Search by tag (partial match): tag:denial
Search by tag (exact match): fulltag:denial
Search by length: length:<20 (less than 20min)
Search by date: before:2023 or after:2024-02-01
Search by link: link:nob or -link:soundgasm
Sort by release date: sort:oldest or sort:newest
Sort by length: sort:shortest or sort:longest
Example search: edging tag:joi length:>40
Simple Math to make you Dumber Collab
A Lesson in Anatomy
Today's lesson will be very, very concentrated. A single topic. Just one. One in which you will find yourself completely absorbed. You won't need notes, just recline and relax. Take a moment and I'll soon be teaching you about the world through a rather⦠transformative process~
Hypnosis Lesson with your Psychology TA
You want to learn more about hypnosis? Luckily for you, your new TA has been researching suggestions and has a few lessons to teach you. But the teacher's lounge is a less than ideal place to take your clothes off, so she has to get creative. You better listen closely, or else you might end up with a bad grade!
Side Note: This script contains a suggestion to give me your wallet so I can rip up your money The intention is that the listener won't follow it and is worded in a way that nobody would or even could follow it, but I thought I'd mention it.
Learning Your Place
Original Script from u/SleepyCypress