Search Examples

The search will be matched against title and description (case insensitive)

Search by tag (partial match): tag:denial
Search by tag (exact match): fulltag:denial
Search by length: length:<20 (less than 20min)
Search by date: before:2023 or after:2024-02-01
Search by link: link:nob or -link:soundgasm
Sort by release date: sort:oldest or sort:newest
Sort by length: sort:shortest or sort:longest
Example search: edging tag:joi length:>40

Becoming Sleepy's Pet: Collar Conditioning

(file id: 126)

Progressive Relaxation 101

(file id: 124)

Shrunk and Ripped: Sock Transformation - SFX

(file id: 118)

Shrunk and Ripped: Sock Transformation - No SFX

(file id: 117)

Relax With Sleepy: Stuck with Me


Relax into my voice while I install a new fun trigger for us to play with later~

File Preview:

Your trigger is seemingly branded into your mind with every whisper.


learned helplessness you can't help but desire more than anything.

Original File by u/SleepyCypress

(file id: 106)

Sleepy's Obedient Pet Conditioning: Fractionation Loop

(file id: 95)

Relax With Sleepy: Fractionation Lesson

(file id: 90)

Written Into You: Drop Trigger Installation


The temptation builds, and your needs inflate.

Let every inch of your mind swell with desire as you give in~

File Preview:

Your reality is my voice.

You are the center of my voice.

Your thoughts are my voice.

You obey me.

You do what I say.

You are my pet~

Original File by u/SleepyCypress

(file id: 83)

PATREON EXCLUSIVE: Improv Hypnosis Session - Sleep and Drop Trigger Installation

(file id: 62)

Hypnotic Trigger Installation: Stuck


Just relax and listen to the sound of my voice. Focus on my words as you slowly drift into trance~

File Preview:

Strapped down completely.

Stuck in place.

Helpless to my power.

Completely open to be played with.

Looking up at me towering over you.

You will remember this feeling~

Content Warning:

This file contains a trigger installation. Through trance I will slowly condition you to my voice and implant a suggestion for you to respond to the phrase "Stuck"~

Original File by u/Furavara

(file id: 59)

Hypnotic Trigger Installation: Good Boy


Are you looking to relax and have a calming hypnotic experience? Well, I think I have just the thing for you~

File Preview:

You know, this it is not a normal lake,

It is one that is rumored to be filled with magical water

Hypnotic water~

Side Note:

Many of my other files use the "Good Boy" phrase, so I recommend listening to other files after this trance <3

Content Warning:

This file contains a trigger installation. Through trance I will slowly condition you to my voice and implant a suggestion for you to respond to the phrase "Good Boy"~

Original File by u/Furavara (Offered on Discord)

(file id: 57)