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Search by date: before:2023 or after:2024-02-01
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Example search: edging tag:joi length:>40

Progressive Relaxation 101

(file id: 124)

Spiraling Triggers


Just sit back and relax. Feel the comfortable bed behind you and let the relaxing scent of lavender fill your lungs~

File Preview:

Find yourself slipping into the spiral

your mind and body following it down

deeper and deeper~

Original File by u/SleepyCypress

(file id: 111)

Relax With Sleepy: Stuck with Me


Relax into my voice while I install a new fun trigger for us to play with later~

File Preview:

Your trigger is seemingly branded into your mind with every whisper.


learned helplessness you can't help but desire more than anything.

Original File by u/SleepyCypress

(file id: 106)

Hypnotically Induced Wet Dreams : Part 2

(file id: 81)

Are You In Control? - Part One

(file id: 71)

Hypnotically Induced Wet Dreams

(file id: 65)

Pleasantly Frozen and Bound

(file id: 50)

Melting your Mind with Triggers


Just listen to my voice as I count you down into trance. Just relax as I drop you deeper and deeper into a void, focused only on my voice. Just follow the numbers as I work to melt your mind into relaxation.

Just relax even deeper and enjoy the void that we created on our journey through our countdown, a void just for you~

Original File by u/CruelScripts

(file id: 32)

Hypnotic Wet Dream Induction


So you want to experience a wet dream, but you are in need of some help? Well luckily for you, I have crafted the perfect induction! I would be happy to help as long as there is something in it for me too~

This file is designed to be listened to at bedtime and includes 15 minutes of white noise to help you drift off to sleep. If falling asleep during a file isn't for you and you would like to skip the silence, fast forward to 28:00.

For the best chance at this file working, I would recommend listening to this file in the middle of the night while you are in REM sleep. Most people enter the REM cycle 5 to 6 hours after they fall asleep, so set an alarm and test it out! (this is a lucid dreaming technique called "wake back to bed" if you would like to learn more)

(file id: 27)

Hypnotic Librarian Helps You Sleep Before Finals


With all due respect, you look like the kind of guy who's overworked himself.

You're seriously mumbling… and I can see how you're blinking to keep yourself awake. You'll do so much better on a full night's sleep. Just follow me and listen to my voice as I whisper you to sleep~

(file id: 26)

Trust in me

Focus on the sound of my voice, how it reaches to your ears so easily, so effortlessly, so smoothly. Focus on how gentle and soft my voice is, on how it’s gently guides you on what to do. It's time for you to be a good boy and obey your mistress~

Script written by the lovely u/AudiebleAlt
(file id: 1)